Functions and Advantages of Myob Software

Functions and Advantages of Myob Software

Functions and Advantages of Myob Software

MYOB Payroll gives you the power to process even the most complex of payrolls, in just minutes. MYOB Payroll Software generates all he reports you need to keep management happy, ensures you’re paying staff the correct amount as well as keeping up date with all the latest tax requirements, effortlessly.

Chart of account

The chart of accounts is a listing of all accounts used in the general ledger of an organization. The chart is used by the accounting software to aggregate information into an entity’s financial statements. The chart is usually sorted in order by account number, to ease the task of locating specific accounts

Customer and supplier database tracking

You have to develop an MS Access Database that runs customers, suppliers, products, inventory … asset tracking database An excellent asset tracking database

Profit and loss reporting

A Profit and Loss Report (P&L) is a report that shows your total Income and your total Expenses in a specific period of time. It’s a really useful report as it shows you your net Profit (or loss) based on your Income & Expenses, and that can be used to come up with some cost cutting strategies!

Profit & Loss Reports go by a few names, so it might be referred to as an “Income Statement”, a “Statement of Operations”, a “Statement of Financial Results” and “Income & Expense Statement”. Let’s stick with Profit & Loss Report.

Myob payroll software generation of pay slip and payroll reporting

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