Simple ways to troubleshoot your Profit Margin

March, 2018 | Ez Accounting

Simple ways to troubleshoot your Profit Margin

When a company’s profit margins aren’t at estimated levels, a range of factors will be at play. Profit margins are normally a measure of business competence, and if the numbers drop from projections, the solution will generally involve reducing expenses, rising sales, or both. Businesses should additionally assess why profit margins are below expectations so


Cryptocurrency in Accounting

Cryptocurrency is a type of currency available in the form of digital or virtual and relies on encryption for the security of transactions. It exists in different forms. Some of the known cryptocurrencies are Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple. Accountants will get advantage from understanding the fundamentals of cryptocurrency and they will get an idea of


Best POS Software in Singapore 2018

Point of sale system is applicable to all types of businesses despite their sizes and types. Different business sized owners from small to large ones can use point of sale systems like retail, hospital, clothing, automotive, Rental Software, Cloud-based Point of sale, E-Commerce, saloon, sports goods, veterinary, Gift shop, Mobile store, Payment processing, Pharmacy, Farms